This species is easier to grow submersed. Macro and Micro nutrients should be made available. Growth is slightly faster when CO2 is supplied.

Staurogyne Porto Velho profile
Genus: Staurogyne
Family: Acanthaceae
Structure: Stem
Origin: Brazil
Height: 1-4 cm
Width: 5-8 cm
Light: Medium - High
Temp: 22-28 �C
Ph: 6.0-7.0
Difficulty: Medium
Growth: Slow
Other information about this freshwater aquarium plant:
Staurogyne sp. Porto Velho is an attractive and versatile species that will likely remain so well into the future. Although it is more established in Japan, it is a relatively new entry into the United States, where it first appeared in specialty aquarium shops. Plants traded as Hygrophila sp. �Roraima� are apparently the same thing and may be from a separate importation. The Brazilian states of Rondonia � of which Porto Velho is the capital - and Roraima are both in the western part of the country, so it may simply be two collections of a species with a range that encompasses both areas. Introduced as a Hygrophila, it is instead a member of the closely related genus Staurogyne like the species introduced by Tropica in early 2008.
Regardless of its true identity, Staurogyne sp. �Porto Velho� is deservedly well-liked. In all but the lowest light conditions, it grows much like familiar terrestrial ivy, making it an outstanding foreground plant. Under unobstructed light, subtle purplish accents highlight what are otherwise leaves of a uniform grayish green. Somewhat slow to acclimate, it picks up speed in time and requires occasional thinning. Selective trimming over the whole of the planting soon fills back in and is preferable to removing large chunks. By doing so, cuttings may be easily obtained.
Growing this aquatic plant species in aquarium aquascape emersed can be surprisingly challenging. A slow but steady supply of macro and micro nutrients combined with strong aquarium lighting are necessary.