Blue algae included in the dangerous group of algae, together with the type of Red algae because these two types of freshwater algae were so difficult to clean, and sometimes because it is so difficult with very compelled the aquarium plants must be removed too due to infection of this algae.
The kind of algae eater fish is not effective for this type of algae. The fish do not appetizing with it because the bitter taste of algae. However, the types of algae snails such as Ramshorn snails could eat these algae type, but the Blue algae growth faster than the amount consumed. Darkening the aquarium for 4-6 days and water replacement in several times could make the Blue algae lost. Anti algae (if used) would be more effective if accompanied by darkening the aquarium for 48 hours. The Blue green algae do not like the water with pH levels below 6.