Important Things to Consider When You’re Planning to Breed Discus Fish

As a pet lover or hobbyist, you know that having a discus fish in your aquarium can really add beauty to your home. They are one of the most beautiful freshwater fishes to own and they are also eye-catching.

If you love discus fish, you may have considered breeding them at one point of owning them. Aside from the fact that you will be able to increase the population of beautiful and colorful discus fish in your aquarium, they can also be a source of extra income as you can sell the juvenile discus fish.

However, before you actually consider breeding your discus fish, you need to remember that breeding them can be a challenge. When it comes to breeding discus fish, there are several things that you need to keep in mind in order for you to successfully breed discus fish in your aquarium.

Also, it is very important to be familiar with the behavior of the discus fish especially when they are mating or starting to breed.

The first thing that you have to consider is the fish tank. You need to make sure that you have the right fish tank for breeding discus fish. A 20 gallon fish tank is great for breeding as this will give you enough space for both the mating pairs to swim around and breed. 20 gallon fish tanks are perfect for 2 pairs of discus fish. But, if you are planning to breed several pairs, a larger fish tank may be needed.

You also have to keep in mind that discus fish are social animals. They live in groups in their natural habitat, which is why you need to have at least 2 or 3 pairs of breeding discus fish in the breeding tank.

As for the tank itself, you have to keep it clean and simple. Never overcrowd the fish tank with ornaments. A few plants and rocks will do as it will serve as places for them to hide. Also, you should remember to provide an area for them to lay their eggs on. This can be a slate or a vertical structure where discus fish are known to lay their eggs in.

The water temperature, acidity, and hardness should be stable enough and it should mimic the water in a discus fish’s natural environment. You should also keep the water clean. So, try to change 50 percent of the water at least once a week and make sure that whenever you feed your discus fish, you need to clean or remove uneaten fish food.

When breeding is successful, the fry should be separated from the adults in order to avoid letting them get infected by parasites from the adults. Also, you have to remember that juvenile discus fish needs proper nutrition in order for them to grow up healthy.

Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to successfully breed discus fish. This will not only make your aquarium more beautiful to look at but it will also give you a source of extra income by selling juvenile discus fish.