Easy Steps in Saving Money when Breeding Discus Fish

It's easy to see why many freshwater fish lovers love discus fish. It's very attractive and is arguably one of the most beautiful creatures to keep in an aquarium. Some say it's more beautiful, but it's just a matter of opinion, which is what millions of aquarium owners today do by owning discus fish.

However, this charming fish comes with an expensive price tag. Several sellers were found selling their discus fish for $ 250 in the north. Pairs are of course needed, especially if you want to keep multiple discus fish and breed them. However, if you have an aquarium full of discus fish and want to save money, you'll have to breed it yourself. Breeding discus fish is not as difficult as you might think. It's not that simple either. It does cost some money, but if you do it right, you can save money in the long run.

There are two options to get started. Initially a specific option, but more expensive. All you have to do is go to the pet shop and buy a pair. This will allow you to get back about $ 300. However, it is certain that one is male and the other is female. If you're trying to save money but don't know if they will breed, it's about buying baby discus fish, about 6-8. You can only hope that at least one or two of them are male or female. Usually there is one person of the opposite sex, so you have to wait until you grow up.

As soon as they grow up, if they have a companion, they will soon find that they demand space in the tank and begin to protect it. This pair will be your breeding partner. Install the breeding tank as soon as you find it. The breeding tank should be separated from the main tank, at least to protect the seedlings. Your breeding tank should be 20 gallons.

After finally installing the discus breeding tank, remove some of the water from the original aquarium. This will prevent discus fish from experiencing the stress of being exposed to a new aquarium. Do not put gravel or sand in the aquarium. You can easily clean food debris from the aquarium. Simply place it on a vertical surface where discus fish can lay their eggs. You can use ceramic inverted pots and plants.

It is very important to check the water from time to time for rising water temperatures and ammonia levels. Daily cleaning is also essential. If you want to save money on raising discus fish and prevent them from dying, using clean water will increase your chances of raising discus fish from your initial investment.