Discus Fish: How to Keep This Exotic Fish Alive

Most people say that discus fish are one of the most difficult fish to keep. This applies to most people who have never kept this type of fish, but with a basic understanding it is quite easy to maintain this fish. Understanding the basics of raising this type of fish, you will find that raising discus fish in an aquarium is very easy.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the water. In most cases, poor water quality is the reason why it is difficult for people to keep discus fish. Think about where the fish came from in terms of water quality. Discus fish are born in the soft and acidic waters of Brazil. Therefore, if you want to keep discus and other fish found in Brazil, you need to improve the quality of Brazilian water in the aquarium.

It should also be remembered that it is easier to retain a large amount of water than a small amount of water. Therefore, you need to consider the size of the aquarium you are planning to keep discus fish in. In order to easily maintain water quality, you should try to make the aquarium as large as possible.

You probably already know about the nitrogen cycle. It is important to take into account the fact that this is very important, regardless of the type of fish you want to keep in your tank or aquarium. If you don't know anything about the nitrogen cycle, it's a good idea to cancel any plans to raise discus fish.

It should be remembered that Discus Fish do not tolerate ammonia or nitrite. They can tolerate minimal nitrite. You also need to ensure that detritus is removed daily with inedible foods. This produces ammonia in the water, which can cause the discus fish to get sick or die.

The pH level of the water is also very important. Discus fish breed in more acidic types of water, so the pH level of the water should be maintained between 5.5 and 6.8. Discus fish do not tolerate higher water pH levels. The hardness of the water should be 2-8 and the conductivity should be about 10ms. This can be a problem if you live in a place that is rich in hard water, as you will need to reduce the hardness of the water as well as the PH.

Reverse osmosis filters can remove everything from the water and also reduce pH and hardness levels.

Feeding discus fish is not that difficult. If you have an adult discus fish, you will need to feed it 2-3 times a day. However, do not overeat, as excess food tends to contaminate the water and produce ammonia. Feed should be of high quality and rich in protein.

When changing the water, it should be done every week. A 50% change in water is sufficient. By doing these few simple things, you will enjoy growing discus fish for years.