Discus Fish Disease: How to Deal with Them

As a lover of discus fish now, you need to remember that in addition to knowing how to keep them, you also need to know the illnesses that may attack them. By studying the different types of illnesses that can affect your discus fish, you can find out if your discus fish are exposed to the disease and how to treat it. You can know.

Basically, one of the most common problems among discus fish is that they have a hole in their head. Early detection is very important for effective treatment. You need to remember that the longer the disease is in a discus fish, the more likely it is that the disease will cause its death.

Keep in mind that even if the fish heals after treatment, the wound can leave a permanent scar, especially for discus fish, which can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the fish.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to treat the wound as a child. For this type of illness, it is advisable to raise the water temperature from 30 degrees Celsius to 36 degrees Celsius to treat the illness. Keep the water temperature up for about 8-10 days.

By raising the temperature of the water, it is also necessary to increase the aeration of the water in order to keep the oxygen level high. Orally administered metronidazole can also be combined with heat treatment. Give this medicine to discus fish every 3 days. Discus fish usually respond well to heat treatment combined with treatment.

Gilworm is another common disease in discus fish. This does not actually affect adult discus fish, but it can cause major problems for discus fry and juvenile discus fish. It should be remembered that gills are parasites that can damage the gills of discus fish. They can also cause vigorous breathing and irregular swimming, eventually paralyzing discus fish and sinking to the bottom of the aquarium.

Formalin can be used to treat gill worms. In addition, infected parents can still lay eggs, but offspring can eventually acquire parasites, which can cause very serious problems.

Endoparasites can also infect discus fish. It should be noted that most endoparasites in discus fish may not pose a serious threat, but these parasites will eventually get out of control and can cause serious problems for the fish. there is. The symptom of discus fish with endoparasites is white dung. Skinnyness can also occur and is considered a common symptom of endoparasites.

The dose of metronidazole usually solves the problem. You can get these ingested by your discus fish by the medicinal foods they eat. The discus fish are fed medicated food every two days for 10 days.

However, if you find that you are no longer eating the fish, you will need to force-feed the fish using a needleless syringe.

Keep these things in mind, and you can rest assured that you can treat your discus fish from any illness they may have.