Basic Care Tips for Discus Fish

Discus Fish Basic Care Tips

Before buying discus fish at your local pet store, keep in mind that discus fish are very sensitive to water conditions and food quality. Discus fish are quite expensive and you wouldn't want to buy them if you don't know how to take care of them. So here are some basic fish care tips you need to follow in order to really care for discus fish in your aquarium.

First, many believe that discus fish are only for advanced fish breeders. They can't be wrong more. Taking care of a discus fish is easy as long as you know how to do it right. It can be difficult at first, but as you get more experience, things get easier and more routine.

Aquarium size is one of the most important things you need to consider. Discus fish breed in the deep sea. So you may want to get a big, wide and deep tank. Discus fish can grow up to 6 inches or 7 inches. Well, you must have at least 6 discus fish together in the aquarium, so you will definitely need a larger aquarium.

Discus fish can be kept in an empty aquarium, but it is advisable to put plants, swamp wood, and rocks in the aquarium. Not only does this make the aquarium look good, but these items also serve as a hiding place for discus fish and help you stay comfortable.

Discus fish are frightened, stressful if there is no hiding place, and can be injured by running around the aquarium or hitting the glass.

Water is also an important factor. Keep the pH level of the water at 6 and keep the temperature constant at 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you want to add another kind of fish to the Discus Aquarium, try adding South American catfish, plecs, small tetras, and other slow-moving fish. Make sure the discus fish is the largest fish in the aquarium.

As for bait, discus fish can be fed in the aquarium. You can feed discus fish with frozen chillori and brine shrimp. Adult discus throws can be fed once a day, but fry should be fed at least three times a day.

These are some of the factors you need to know when planning to keep a discus fish. By following these tips, you can be confident that you can properly take care of your discus fish and make them thrive in your aquarium. If done correctly, you can also breed discus fish and you don't have to worry about repurchasing a group of discus fish.

With these tips you can have a guide on how to properly care for discus fish in the aquarium.